Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Goodbye UNI, I'm going H-O-M-E

Thursday, July 31st

Just talked to my "team". We're hoping I can go home this weekend! I have another ECT in the morning, and if things go well I may be home Saturday or Sunday. My social worker is going to call Jason, so I'll talk to him tonight! I am nervous to go back, because there are a lot of responsibilities I don't think I'm quite ready for.

Karleah has taken on so much the past 2 weeks, I am in awe of the young woman she has become! I'm worried about the bills getting paid, the food getting prepared, the kids having what they need. I'm trying to take things in baby steps, not jump in all at once. There is so much involved in being a mom! For now, I'm praying for peace and patience as I prepare to go home. 

Friday, August 1st

I can't believe I've been here almost 2 weeks. Today's ECT went smoothly. My sweet hubby will be here later today to meet with my medical team, and make a plan for me to go home. I'm nervous to take on all my old responsibilities again. I feel so blessed to have Karleah helping while I've been in the hospital. I've never felt so much love and support in my life!

As of right now, the plan is to go home tomorrow after lunch! I feel like I am finally getting the hang of life here in UNI, and I'm going to leave! I'm so scared to step back into being a mom. I don't know if I'm really ready. I'm tired of being away from home, away from my kids, away from work. But I'm even more afraid of going back to the old life, where I was when this all started.

I missed Judy's funeral, I have missed so many things with my kids, I need to get back to reality. Even though it's scary...…. I am so incredibly proud of Karleah. She has really taken a lot on, and I can't possibly express all the gratitude in my heart! She is just a kid! My mom has helped a ton, too [she even potty trained TJ!] but Karleah is only 17!!

The Low Between Treatments

Yesterday is a blur. I'm feeling the lows of being in between treatments. Thoughts of self-harm keep coming to mind, and I can usually get rid of them pretty quick. Dr. Hunziker pointed out that my countenance is much brighter than it was when I arrived here. That's good to hear, because today I am feeling pretty low, dark, depressed, and MOODY! I'm grateful to be here, where I can be watched out for and helped. I know my kids are struggling and hurting, but I am grateful to be setting this example for them, of admitting when I need help and getting the help! The thought of them swarming me with hugs and their sweet voices is a little overwhelming.... But I know I will be there soon, and all of this will just be a memory. I just want to curl up in Jason's arms!

Today I decorated my wall. I have the card from Katie, a card from a patient named David, a puppy TJ scribbled on (it's Lady from "Lady and the Tramp") a flower painted by the kids, a temple drawn and painted by my kids, a mom puppy hugging a baby pup with a heart background (from my kids) a pic of Emily swinging a sparkler in Jason's face (she managed to burn his face and her leg with said sparkler), and cards from Carson, Vanessa, and Faith.

I try to use these decorations as a reminder to get better. We need each other, our family is forever! This is a big challenge for all of u, and I know we can get through this! But I can hardly wait for this all to be a memory. 💓💜

Lucas, Lilly, Jeanine, Anthonio, Karleah, Caranina, Nathanael, Carson, Vanessa, Faith, TJ, Emily I love you all!

Ammie 💜 Reno

The First 2 ECT Treatments

This morning (Friday, July 26th) was my first ECT treatment. I woke up with a lot of pain in my jaw, calves, and head. I've spent a huge percentage of the day in my room, and most of that time I was sleeping. I did finally get my own clothes, so that feels really nice. Still ate by myself on unit, but I am a little anxious about leaving anyway. I always feel so self conscious in a new setting, especially when I'm the only "newbie".

Back to the ECT.... I woke up very slowly, and when I woke up more fully (around noon) I felt light. I was amazed at the quick results, and had the most hope I've felt in years! 

Saturday, July 27th 

I had my 2nd ECT so I've been very lazy. My goal for today [every day in group, we set a goal when we talk about our mood] was to admit when something is wrong and get the help I need. So far I'm failing. I think sometimes I wait for everything to fall in place before I do something. Like if the med nurse isn't in the med room, I won't go find him/her to get my meds. If someone asks if I want some ibuprofen for my body aches, I say "no". If there is a line for meds, I just walk away. I basically wait for the med nurse to just be sitting in wait for me.

I miss indexing. I really want to be working on something more than coloring pictures or doing puzzles. Group just feels like routine now. I haven't really socialized but at least I've been able to play the piano. When I do finally go home, I'll be slammed by work, kids, dogs, housework, and all my routines. It scares me..... I hope I don't end up right back in here.

I haven't seen most of my kids for a week now. Saw Karleah and TJ last night, and I've seen Emily every day, because she is nursing. As much as I miss them, I am afraid of going home and becoming completely overwhelmed by them all talking and needing me. But I'm also full of guilt for making Karleah take on so much, and for adding to Jason's stress load. This is hard on everyone, and I hate being a burden.

Jason really is my rock, and the anchor and shield his patriarchal blessing states he is. I feel so truly blessed to have Jason as my eternal companion, my best friend, and my lover. I don't know what I would do without Jason by my side.

Today has been a crazy whirlwind. I haven't done much, I've just been sleeping, writing, visiting, or doing puzzles. Actually every puzzle I start makes me mad because of all the lost pieces, so I haven't finished many.

I was able to attend sacrament meeting here in the hospital. It was really simple and short.

Jaron and Megan have taken my girls to stay the week, and Carson is off to scout camp, so it's Karleah, Nathanael, and the babies at home. But Jason did ask the relief society to bring meals, so I am glad Karleah has some help (besides my mom).

Tomorrow is my 3rd ECT, so I hope it goes well. (I don't remember if I ever wrote this, but ECT stands for electro-convulsive therapy). A quick explanation in case I haven't written it before: Electric currents are sent through my brain, causing a seizure. This is supposed to "reset" the parts of my brain that tell my body I'm depressed. I am also given a medication to paralyze my muscles so the seizure isn't too hard on my body. A blood pressure cuff is tightly placed on my wrist to keep the paralysis medication out of my hand, so my hand shows the length and strength of the seizure. Each treatment, they adjust the amount of each medication based on my reactions after the last treatment. For example, if the seizure made me really achy, they add more pain medication. When I have waken up nauseated, they add anti-nausea medication the next time. I love the technology! But I'm also very ready to be back in my own routines again!

[an addition for my blog, which is not in the journal I get the rest of these entries from.... if you are interested in watching an ECT treatment, there are many videos on YouTube. My kids all watched them to help them understand what I was going to be experiencing]

All Night Panic Attacks

Thursday July 25th 2am
University Neuropsychiatric Institute

Just had one of the most intense panic attacks of my life. Fighting the desire to self harm, battling invisible demons, and silently screaming. I sometimes try to convince myself I am OK, when I am not. Even here, I wonder if I'm overreacting. I picked up this pen to remind myself:


I seriously cried and fought so hard I feel like I did a major, full-body workout! Hope I can sleep.

I fought those urges to self harm most of the night. I felt paralyzed by fear. One of the nurses gave me some chamomile tea, which relaxed my body but my mind still raced. I thought about getting up and asking for something to help me sleep, but the fear of being vulnerable enough to admit my weaknesses to strangers...… was.... too strong. So I lay there in the dark struggling in silence. I did finally pray, and did receive some comfort. My healing image today [every day in UNI, we try to come up with a healing image to help us get through the hard times] is to lay in bed, curled up on Jason's chest. I miss my family so intensely! Thinking of how I can tell my kids about this time and encourage them in their own trials so they don't have to sink to the lows I've seen..... I love those kids so, so much! 💗

Katie apologized to me, it was very real and sincere. I high-fived her  because we both got through a tough night. I felt a new connection. Now they're moving her downstairs because of her suicidal thoughts. I will continue to pray for her.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Seeing Myself Through Other's Eyes

I am shaking. I've been pushed around so much in my life. I'm so shy, and self-conscious that when a strong person comes around, I get trampled on. I know at least 2 former boyfriends sensed this and "groomed" me to get what they wanted.

Tonight, I felt so good. I had good things to look forward to, a plan in place, a long talk with my mom, Jason brought me dinner, I got to play with Emily, I was having deep, meaningful conversations with others and felt HUMAN! I was a person, not just a patient. I could talk with others openly and candidly.

Then, another loud bully came along. The previously-mentioned Katie walked in, and ruined it. She came and demanded the blinds be raised. Three other women disagreed, and I pointed out that if the blinds were raised, the sun would be directly in my line of sight. I said "raise the blinds and the sun will literally blind me." (keep in mind how hard it is for me to stand up for myself even that much!) Katie rolled her eyes and again demanded the blinds be raised. Another girl here said "nobody else in here wants them up." so Katie yelled "raise the f#$@ing blinds!" at the psych tech. The blinds went up, and 3 of the 4 women in there left. Katie called out to me, but I couldn't stop. I couldn't let her see me cry. I wasn't about to be hurt more by her "apology".

As I wrote about this, 2 of the techs came in to check on me. It's amazing how much that helped. They heard me, they apologized for how it played out, and they talked to the bully. I'm a little anxious to go back out there, but so relieved that my voice was heard and validated.

Everyone is watching fireworks in the day room. I watched for a few minutes but became a little saddened when I thought how much my kids love fireworks, and I'm not there to see their excitement. Especially the boys. I promised Nathanael we would get some for pioneer day. Jason said he would make sure he gets some good ones, but I'm not there :'(

But, to end my day on a better note! I feel pretty great! Jason has always told me he is amazed at my ability to get people to open up, and how many people rely on me. I have never really seen it like that. Maybe I was just trying to "modestly" downplay my strengths. But today, I feel like I saw myself through his eyes.

I talked to A***** about her family. how she overcame a tough childhood, the loss of her parents, M.S. treatments, and her husband's severe alcoholism. She told me how much she loves them, and that she is now sealed to her husband and gets to hear about the son she gave up for adoption in the middle of hard times.

I talked to D***** about how her parents and husband all died within months of each other, and how she finally got help this month after severe PTSD in December. I shared my feelings from losing loved ones close together and praised her strength.

I talked to a 19-year-old, E****. This is her third time here in 4 months. I told her about my experiences at her age, and heard her story of many suicidal thoughts. I told her that as a mom, I know her parents care but may not know how to help. I praised her efforts to get better and encouraged her not to give up. She lifted me up by saying she could tell how much I love my kids, and she "knows" I'm a great mom.

T****** told me about her 500+ ECT treatments and several hospital stays. But mostly she nodded in understanding as I talked about the day leading up to my hospitalization. T*** doesn't say much, but I felt a connection, and a simple understanding of each other.

I briefly spoke with L***, she wears a silver cross and believes in Christ. She just moved here from Vermont to study social work. She has decided she needs to go in to mental health because of her experiences in UNI.

My sweet Jason brought me KFC, diet coke, and Utah Truffles. I felt so good leaning on him and hearing about his day. He is amazing.

Over the past few days I've been scratching myself on the arm to cause enough harm to hurt without it looking serious. [To be honest, I was trying to harm myself. But that's the most I could do with the things I'm allowed to touch here] Today I got the courage to ask for medication to put on it, so hopefully I'll stop scratching it! [my hospital band was scratching up my other wrist, so I now have scars on both wrists..... ]

The talk with my mom was really great. I think she has felt some guilt over all this (I am definitely my mother's daughter!) I told her that this is all because of an illness, not the things others have said or done. I thanked her for being open about her depression so I could be more open about mine (albeit slowly.....)

One last thought. I want to remember what Dr S said (the ECT doctor). She saw the claw marks on my arm and encouraged me to tell the staff when I felt like doing those things. I said that was really hard for me. She said "that's why you practice here. Where it's safe, because the people you talk to here deal with it all the time. Learn how to communicate it here." that was a great thought, just what helped me. I needed to hear that!!

--Good Night!


UNI Journal Entries

I talked to Jason during breakfast. My sweet Emily was screaming and cooing. I miss that delightful squeal. TJ Woke up a few minutes later and said "Hi. Mom. Miss you!" and I cried. I asked Jason to tell some of the ladies in the ward to visit me for lunch. I could use something to break the monotony! Even if it is uncomfortable.....

My goal today is to talk to my mom. I tried to call but she was probably asleep. If she was awake, she probably ignored the restricted name on caller ID. I'll try again.

I talked to the Dr that heads up the ECT. She said I am the perfect candidate. I felt so validated! I can't explain how wonderful it felt to hear that this life-long battle with depression has a "real-life" medical treatment. It will basically "reset" y brain while I adjust to new medications. First treatment will be on Friday. As scary as it sounds, I can't wait to get started!

Another girl arrived yesterday. I was relieved to have someone else here on "unit" with me. (Unit is when you have to stay in blue scrubs and can't leave the floor for breaks or meals. And there are no privileges for the media room.) She was off unit by breakfast. It was discouraging. Then Katie, (a very obnoxious, loud, young girl) told me she has been here over two weeks and I was so nervous that I will be, too. Having that talk with the ECT doctor was very helpful. Then Katie gave me a card she colored, it says "you are one of God's best creations!" I keep reading this to remind myself that I have value!

I also got to play piano for about an hour, and talked to Jody. It felt good to share some of the details with someone (other than Jason...) I felt the spirit so strong (which has been a challenge lately) so I'm feeling very light right now.

Notes From Group at UNI

"Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future."
--Deepok Chopra
"If you don't like the road you're walking, start paving another one!"
--Dolly Parton

I sat down to play the piano for a few minutes, and Dr Hunziker came in to talk to me. It felt great to play piano, and if all goes well I may start ECT on Friday!

More Journal Entries

From July 24th 2019:

Group therapy was not helpful today. I already know! Unhealthy habits and the consequences. Healthy coping mechanisms and all the things I've heard in therapy for 20+ years.

Maybe it would have been helpful as we moved along, but my "team" had me come talk to them [my doctor, therapist, and psychiatrist].

I talked about all the hard times since TJ was born. Things I have been told I am not allowed to talk about. All the hospitalizations and surgeries where I was neglected and left alone. I went back to my suicidal thoughts in Junior High and high school. I cried so much.

Dr Hunziker felt that I am not safe, and need a plan that will help more immediately. A change in medication will take 6-8 weeks and I don't have that time. I'll get back into an unsafe place, and complete a suicide plan before the changes help.

We discussed other treatment options. One was a magnetic treatment that can take months of treatment, 5 times a week, and possibly monthly after 25-30 treatments. The 2nd option is ECT- an electric shock therapy that includes sedation, muscle paralysis, and an induced seizure. The 3rd was Ketamine treatments, which can cause a "high" for several days, and often causes severe lows afterwards (which I can't afford). So, of course ECT seems to be the best option, especially since insurance covers it.

So now I am waiting to talk to the ECT team. And it sounds like I'll be here a lot longer than I hoped. I don't have any privileges. Can't even wear my own clothes or eat in the cafeteria. Looks like I'm the only one with no privileges. So I'll eat dinner alone. There was only one person in the day room at lunch, and he just got cafeteria privilege. :(

Jason says he feels an overwhelming peace about the whole situation. I can't quiet my racing thoughts long enough to find that peace. I do know that my depression has gotten out of hand, and I need help. I know I'm on the path to get that help. I just can't feel the peace. I miss my family. I want to hug my kids. Snuggle my babies. Eat junk food with them an be overwhelmed by their constant talking over each other about their day. That is what pushes me to get better. The desire to be a good mom, a healthy mom. I hate that this causes them to hurt. But I pray it will help us all be happier in the future.

I love my children! Karleah, Nathanael, Carson, Vanessa, Faith, Travis, Emily, Lucas, Lilly, Jeanine, Anthonio, and Caranina.

It's almost 10pm, "lights out". I miss my kids. Emily looked at me like I was a stranger for a moment yesterday, but today she was more excited to see me. I wonder how long it will take TJ to remember me when he sees me again.

I talked to Karleah for a few minutes. She is struggling, but she is strong. I don't know how she's doing, I know she holds a lot inside (like her mom!) She may need counseling later. She did say Lilly took her out and it was helpful.

I enjoyed some time with Jason tonight. He is my anchor and shield. I wish I wasn't putting such a burden on my loved ones. But I pray this will help me feel better, and be better for them. I wanted to have a BBQ for pioneer day, and I'm really saddened I won't be able to do so. But we will celebrate soon enough!
***fingers crossed***

Sometime in the middle of the night..... I'm up writing again.....

The staff keep telling me that I should tell them when I'm anxious or can't sleep. But letting someone know I'm not ok is still so hard. Right now my tummy is growling, I hate the food. I can't stop thinking of ways to hurt myself. My mouth hurts, my left ear lobe is red and swollen, and I have a headache. I lay here pretending to sleep when they walk by with the flashlights to check on me.

I was completely honest with my attending doctor (Hunziker) but I don't want to tel all these other strangers in to the dark parts of my mind. I try to pep talk myself into asking for an ibuprofen, but ALWAYS back out, anxious about asking for pain relief. As if subconsciously I'm enjoying some pain and discomfort because I feel I don't deserve relief, and I deserve the physical pain.

It really doesn't help to think back to the ER and the Receiving Center where I told one person after another that my head was pounding and nobody cared. Or at least they didn't do anything. When I did make myself vulnerable, nobody helped anyway.

Becky and Lindsey said this is one of the best things they ever did (going to a psychiatric care facility) so far, I don't see or feel any difference. I talk to a team of doctors and psych techs, I go to group, then I sit alone with my dark thoughts. I hope it changes, but so far things are moving slow.... though to be fair it would be slower on the "outside" where it takes months to get in to a psychiatrist and then months or years to find a good therapist.

I don't know how to survive 6 more days as I go off lamictal and wait to start ECT. I worry about the house and kids....

This thing where I talk to a Doctor, then feel like things are moving along, only to wait another 24 hours and start again has to change. I'm so bored and I am not used to being alone for so long. No visitors is hard, but I'm also afraid to see anyone. I know they won't judge [probably] but I'm still a little embarrassed/ashamed. Feeling pretty stupid here. I don't know how I feel about being the center of attention.... even though I feel completely ignored. The conflicting thoughts are so hard.......

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Tuesday July 23rd, 2019

The following post is from a journal that was given to me when I was a patient at UNI (University Neuropsychiatric Institute). There are a lot of entries that I don't want to lose, so I'll be posting a lot of them here on my blog.

Tuesday July 23rd 2019; 9am

Wow what a crazy few days (weeks!?) I've had. For years I've tried to understand feelings of jealousy, especially towards my step children the past 3-4 years. Jason is always there for his kids, 100% of the time. He would do anything at any time for any one of them. I never knew why it was so hard. I mean... he's my husband! I love that family means so much to him. That's one of the first things I loved about him.
Yet every time those kids needed him, I felt abandoned, neglected, ignored, even invisible. I guess it added to my already screwed up mind and y feelings of worthlessness. 
When we've had broken bones, sprains, surgeries, and hospital stays (which included family therapy I was excluded from) I've slowly sunk more and more into the darkest parts of my mind.
For a few months the darkness has been so thick. But I'm an expert at hiding things like that. Nobody really knew. Not my psychiatrist, or the three therapists. Not my family or friends. Not coworkers. I've struggled since my pregnancy with TJ and throughout it all, I've considered these three options:

  1. I've done this before. I'll figure it out on my own (like I always have)
  2. People don't even see it, and when I do express it, it's always downplayed by them or myself so I'm on my own with this.
  3. I'll just adjust my medication myself and get this resolved (by switching doctors and telling them different doses).
I've played through all of this, fighting my own demons and trying to find light on my own, or with my Heavenly Father.

The last 2 months, things have been really bad in my mind. I guess I just hoped to silence the negative thoughts by "toughing it out". Going through my daily actions and doing my best to keep it all buried while I prayed, studied scriptures with my family, attended church, kept up at work and (mostly) at home. I've done this countless times in my life! I can do it again! 

As I write, my heart races, my head pounds, and I start bouncing my knees to keep from shaking as I write.

All the times I tell my family and friends to reach out when they need to, encourage people to lean on me or the Lord, and here I am! Strong and faithful on the outside, falling apart inside. But I deny that constantly! Because I am the "expert" and don't need others to know I'm not well.

On July 2nd I had some dental work done. A tooth pulled, a crown, and a filling. By Friday (the 5th) I knew the socket where my tooth had been pulled was not healing well. I went back to the dentist on the 9th to confirm it was a dry socket. I assumed I'd be sent home with an antibiotic and some more ibuprofen. But he offered me pain pills. I thought "oh, good. I'll have them on hand if I fell like hurting myself!"

That thought [though fleeting] got me really nervous. Afraid of those thoughts, I decided not to fill the prescription. Then, I got a urinary tract infection, which required an antibiotic. I also had refills of Lamictal [my mood stabilizer] and Cymbalta [my antidepressant] so I filled the prescription for Percocet, too. I don't feel like I needed it. I have a high pain tolerance. But I felt like it was my safety net to have those pills on hand.

On Tuesday July 16th, I had 3 appointments at 3 different places. Looking back, I see it was my "dry run" to see how things went when I was gone. That night, after the little ones were in bed, Karleah brought up 3 prescriptions from her room. One was for pain pills from her wisdom teeth surgery. I told her I would take them to the pharmacy for proper disposal.

Wednesday the 17th I was ready to take the hydrocodone and oxycodone prescriptions. Thew plan was to take them after work, in my car. People nap in their cars at work all the time so it wouldn't raise suspicion. Work wouldn't know because I'd be done with my shift, and my kids and parents wouldn't notice for a while because I had left work late so often lately. I left for work, started the car, and realized I had forgotten one of the pill bottles. When I ran back inside the house to get it, Jason was standing in front of the drawer the pills were in, brushing his teeth! I felt so many things in that instant. Relief, anger, disappointment, and more. Jason never gets up to brush his teeth at that time of the morning. I looked at my sweet husband, afraid he would see in my eyes the darkness I was holding inside. I told him I forgot what I came back for and left for work.

I knew Heavenly Father was protecting me. He sent angels to nudge Jason to get up! So I felt comfort, and resentment at the same time. Such intense emotions, so conflicting, impossible to handle, even harder to express.

After work, Jason text me some random message and I knew he was about to tell me something. When he sent a pic of himself at the ER with an EKG on, I was saddened. I think part of me was relieved I was there with the kids since he wasn't ready to take on all of it with me gone. I told him "the kids need their Papa. Get better!" But If I'm honest with myself, it was also... "they don't need Mom."

Thursday as I left work, ready to talk to Jason about my suicidal thoughts, he told me Anthonio had been in an accident so he had to go help him out. I responded with "OK. I'll hold all this inside for even longer." As I drove home, I cried, punched the steering wheel, and screamed "I SHOULD HAVE DONE IT! I SHOULD HAVE DONE IT!" Over and over again. I thought I might explode from the intensity of it all.

I was afraid of my feelings, but even more afraid to express them. I text two friends that I knew would understand the best. I still never let on to how dark I felt. Thursday evening, we took the kids to Burger King. A friend of mine was there and she entertained the kids while I told Jason little slivers of the truth. That night in bed, I lay on his chest and told him my plan. He asked if he should take the pills, and I said it might be a good idea. But he only knew about one bottle.

Friday, I felt giddy! I thought that by sharing my burden, I had been led out of the depths of my depression.... I was wrong. That joy was short-lived.

Saturday I went to lunch with my friend Tasha. I thought it would be nice to spent time with someone who dealt with similar emotions. It helped but not enough.

I posted something on a facebook group, my attempt at crying out. I finally accepted that I was not OK.

Quick backtrack..... on Wednesday Jason received a blessing before going in to see the cardiologist. I was afraid to ask for a blessing, despite the urging from Heavenly Father. I didn't want to explain to my parents why I needed a blessing.

During all this, I did try to reach out. I text my friends Tasha, Becky, and Lindsey for advice, but always avoided anything specific. I called a crisis line, but hung up in fear. I text a crisis line but when they asked for my name I disconnected. I made vague FB posts that I promptly deleted when a comment would hit close to home. 

Saturday night as I lay in bed, Jason said he felt like I needed a blessing. He asked if we should wait til morning, but I knew we couldn't wait. That blessing may have saved my life.

In the blessing, I was told many times that angels were with me. They were calling my name! Angels on both sides! Originally I thought this meant "both sides of the veil". But now I know it's both sodes, meaning Satan's angels as well as Angels of the light of God.

Sunday, at about 2am, I woke up in a panic. I tried to calm myself. By 3:30 I had text a friend that had begged me to text anytime that night. I told her I felt like I should have been hospitalized. She told me to wake Jason and GO! I was too scared.

I lay there for hours, frozen by fear. The thought came to me that I had angels calling out to me, helping me. By 8am, I told Jason that I knew the angels were telling me to GO TO THE HOSPITAL, NOW!" He agreed.

Jason's phone rang right then. Lilly needed him. She either broke or sprained an ankle, and needed help to get to a doctor. I looked at Jason and told him to go. I was prepared to cry alone once more. To fight my demons alone. He said "don't you see? You have a "cover story" and I'm going to the hospital anyway!" I was relieved, and terrified.

Once I got the courage to walk to the ER (Jason stayed at urgent care with his daughter), I asked the person at the front desk "Is this where I go if I'm feeling suicidal?" she said it was, and I was placed on a stretcher in the hallway. I got to hear and see all kinds of things. But mostly, I fought my demons as I lay alone.

Finally, I was sent to The Receiving Center, to be "observed" for 23 hours and talk to some social workers. By the time I left there, I think I told my story to at least 10-15 people. And it only got worse

Monday July 22nd at noon I was admitted to the University Neuropsychiatric Institute (UNI). I never knew my mind could have so many racing thoughts, simultaneously. From old folk songs, to why my suicidal plan was stopped, to why I'm here and when I can go. Thoughts about my family, my kids, work, how friends will take the news, church! How can I ever go again?! How can I not?!


My thoughts became more violent. I became afraid to go home. I talked to a team of doctors and social workers. I knew I was going to be there a while. My fingernails began digging at my wrist. My hospital band left a deep gash on my right hand and my fingernails left deep gashes on the left wrist.