I have lived in three homes since I got married in 1999. The first two I owned, so laying sod was kind of a necessity. This one, I still rent and I'm not sure why I thought spending several hundred dollars on sod was a good idea, since I may not get to stay here. But it felt like the right thing to do, and I couldn't push away the feeling that it was something I needed to do. The week has been SO stressful trying to get the backyard leveled and get rocks/weeds moved out. It's still not ideal conditions for sod, but I can't deny the strong feelings that it is meant to be.
I was expecting a lot of help tonight, the elder's quorum was notified, and I did a lot of baking to "reward" the help. Unfortunately nobody showed up (not complaining, I'm sure there are good reasons, but I was still discouraged at first.) I decided to just get it started and see what I could get done myself. There was 2,920 square feet of sod (5 pallets) and I didn't think I'd get very far before dark (it was already 6:30). My mom kept working on the dirt being a little more level, getting more rocks out, etc. and I sprayed down some dirt, and got to work with the sod.
The next thing I knew, a full pallet was done. My dad came over, and my brother ended his date night early to come help. So it was me, my parents, my 14-year-old nephew and my brother with his wife. That's a lot of Stouts lol. I just kept going, trying to get as much done as possible. The last two times I did sod, it took 2 days and lots of help to get done. But suddenly, there were 3 1/2 pallets done. How'd that happen???
My sister-in-law left to pick up her brother somewhere in there, and he helped as well. I don't know how we got 5 pallets of sod done in about four hours, but we did. I know I'll be sore later.
I still don't know how it happened, or why I felt (and still feel) so strongly about it getting done. But it's done, and now the hard work of keeping it watered and mowed and weed free will set in. Just what I need, more stuff to get done.
I just know that somehow, Heavenly Father helps us with the little things. He knows my needs, my desires, and gives me just enough to keep me strong and faithful, but holds back enough to keep me humble and remind me that HE is in charge. I am still shocked that we accomplished this. Maybe it's not much to some, but to me, it will always be "the sod miracle".
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