Friday, May 29, 2020


Since this Covid-19 situation, and all the challenges of quarantine, it's been tough. It's been hard on the kids, it's been hard on our family. One thing that has helped immensely is the church meetings we have every Sunday with Jason's family and monthly with my family. I am so grateful for the technology that has helped us meet from 4 different states and share our testimonies and study the scriptures together via Zoom.

This last Sunday as we talked and studied together, I had some thoughts that I am certain were coming from the Lord, and I haven't stopped thinking about it so I wanted to blog it before I forget.

As I watched my family on the screen during the Zoom meeting, I kept thinking about how much I miss them all. My heart ached for a hug, and I knew my kids wished to see their cousins in person again. This isn't just because of the quarantine, it's also because we all live so far away from one another that we can't get together. I was filled with gratitude for the chance to visit and share our testimonies over Zoom, and it occurred to me how much our Heavenly Father must miss His children. 

Then, today, my sweet niece sent me a meme that said "Lord I waited to hold my little one on my lap and tell them about you. But since I never had the chance, will you please hold them on your lap and tell them about me?" This was, of course, about the babies that never get to come to Earth. It reminded me of the pain we felt, and the peace we found in knowing we could see that baby again. I remember thinking, at times, that it was a comfort but it was still a challenge to wait for the opportunity to hold my baby.

I can't help but think about how much our Heavenly Father must ache for the opportunity to hold his children, to talk to us, and spend time with us. He is watching us from so far away, hoping for contact in any way. If we could have a Zoom meeting with Him, He would be thrilled! I can imagine the joy and peace we would feel if we could talk to Him like we talk to our friends, teachers, family, and neighbors. 

Whenever I feel an ache for being away from a loved one, or the pain of loss, I can realize how much our Father also aches for us. I am so grateful for my knowledge of the atonement. For a knowledge of the eternal nature of families. For the peace I can find in the Plan of Salvation. I feel blessed to have the technology of Zoom meetings so we can have church in our home, and as I watch my children grow, and struggle and hurt with them through the challenges of life, I feel so incredibly blessed to know that I have a Father in Heaven who loves me beyond my understanding.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Carson's Stitches, and Mother's Day

I've had a lot of difficult emotions and thoughts since Mother's Day. Mother's Day has never been my favorite, I remember wondering why my mom never liked it, but now I understand. I'd had a treatment the day before that really wore me out, more than normal. So when Carson started in with his typical tantrums, I just couldn't take it. I heard him tell Jason to leave, saying "you're not my real dad" and "nobody wants you here" and "nobody asked you to be here" among other things. Jason lets this roll right off his back, it doesn't even phase him. Jason was saying "I never said I was your dad" and I ran into the room, grabbed Carson, and yelled at him to shut up and stop being so cruel. As I did this, Carson fell back and hit his head on the corner of the window/wall. His nose started bleeding and I knew it was a bad injury right away. 

I fell to the floor in tears, immediately beating myself up and crying out "what have I done? What kind of mother does this?" Jason tried to comfort me, then told me Carson needed stitches and he was going to take Carson to the InstaCare. He went and told Karleah she needed to take care of the kids and keep and eye on me because I was truly a wreck. Carson saw me in tears, and with his head bleeding like crazy, he still comforted me. He said "it's OK Mommy, I know you didn't mean to hurt me. I love you and I know you love me. It's OK! You're a good mom."

I managed to pull myself off the floor and stop crying but inside I was still a wreck. When Jason called to tell me it was only 3 stitches and they were on their way home, I felt a little better. I tried to stay busy and not think about it too much but I was still just beating myself up inside. Carson handled it better than I thought he would, and Jason and the kids were strong and sweet when I was crumbling. 

That was 9 days ago, and I still feel severe anxiety every time I hear anything similar to Carson hitting his head. I replay the situation, and the thoughts that go through my mind are just too much. The memories that this incident stirred up have been so, so hard. I can't believe the things that have come back to me because of this! The crazy part is that Jason saw it coming, he knew it was going to happen. 

So over the past 9 days I've been reliving a lot of past trauma. I was remembering a lot of the things that led to my divorce. I won't go in to details because I never want to speak ill of my children's father, and it takes two, I wasn't completely innocent. As I remembered some of those incidents and other traumatic events I have really been dragged down emotionally and mentally. Today, in a totally random moment on my way home from work, I started crying as some things came to my realization. (Keep in mind, I have struggled with severe depression for 28 years!)

1- I was in a bad relationship in high school. But I found the courage to break up and move on.
2- I was in an unhealthy marriage for 13 years. Somehow, I found the strength to leave, and I was a strong, independent, single mom of 5 for 2 years!
3- I had an abusive relationship after my divorce, he was ashamed to admit to anyone that I was his girlfriend yet he demanded my full attention and support.
4- I've had many "friends" turn against me and do very hurtful things that dragged me down, yet I found my way back to taking care of my kids.

So, how does someone "like me" with a severe mental illness find the strength to get through these things? How did I do that? Right now, I am not strong enough, I am struggling with thoughts I haven't dealt with since Junior High School! So, how did I do that? The only possible way! I relied on God and my Savior Jesus Christ. My dad has always been there to give me a Priesthood Blessing when I needed it, and I have my Patriarchal Blessing to give me strength and guidance.

Heavenly Father knew I would face this trying time, he knew I would need support more than ever before in my life, so he sent me Jason. Cheesy as it sounds, he is my rock and my strength. If I was in one of those bad relationships again, dealing with the terrible emotions and difficult thoughts I face every day, I'd never make it! They say sometimes those who need help the most are those who seem the strongest. Reach out to your friends (even me because even though I'm struggling, I want to be there for those I love!) If you are the one struggling, reach out! Our Savior will help you, he knows you, he loves you, and YOU ARE WORTH IT! 

I love my friends, and family (is there really a distinction? My friends are like family and my family are friends).... I LOVE YOU ALL

Friday, May 1, 2020

Adjusting to my "Normal"

This blog post has been on my mind for weeks. I don't know how many times I've started this post, hopefully I can finally make sense of all these racing thoughts. We have finally made it to getting my treatments 2 weeks apart. Sometimes it's harder than other times. Especially with this Covid-19 pandemic and having 7 kids home 24/7. //sigh// it's been rough on the kids and therefore rough on my mental health

I used to memorize license plate numbers, phone numbers, random facts, and everyone's birthday. Now I struggle to remember anything, and it's often discouraging and frustrating for me, my kids, and my husband. 

I used to be organized about just about every part of mom life. We had outings every week, each day was assigned a certain task, cleaning was always kept up with, laundry was planned and organized perfectly. Now I can't do any of it. I'm finding it hard not to beat myself up for falling behind on the dishes, laundry, and dusting. I don't vacuum like I need to, and I don't menu plan at all. It's just too much with my treatments. Even if they are 2 weeks apart finally.

I used to have a specific way of discipline. I used to read books for myself and to my kids. I used to sing to my kids at bedtime. I used to stick to a specific routine for the day. Bath day was always the same days and times. I played outside with the kids. I did it all myself for years as a single mom. I have lost a lot of myself.

I had a fear that I've lost myself. That I'm not "me" anymore. At times that has been really depressing and discouraging. At times I wanted to give up, and I let my thoughts get me down. I've felt that I'm not a good mom anymore, I'm not smart, I'm not a good wife, or home maker, or pianist, and the fact that I can't sit down and read a book anymore has frustrated me so many times.

But I've come to realize that this is my new normal. This is a temporary problem, and we will spread the treatments out more and more, then eventually we will stop all together. I will get back some of my old ways of thinking and remembering and acting. But some of this, is my normal now. I don't have to be the same way I was before in order to be good. 

Being a little slower, a lot more forgetful, and less organized is not all wrong or all bad. I just have to learn to accept this new normal. My amazing husband, my awesome kids, my great coworkers, my neighbors, family members, and friends have all accepted the new me, so why shouldn't I?

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Learning Piano

One of my favorite memories as a small child was when my dad would pull out his guitar and sing, sometimes we would get to sing with him in a talent show or just at home. He sang a LOT of "Simon and Garfunkel" or "Peter, Paul, and Mary" we loved songs like "Puff, the Magic Dragon" and "The Sounds of Silence", "Marvelous Toy" and "Rhinestone Cowboy" (among others). In my opinion, my dad was the best singer and guitarist in the world. I still think he's among the top 5.

As I got older, I felt a desire to be like my dad, but I wanted to play piano instead of guitar. I begged my parents, but we were poor and my 3 older siblings had all given up on something my parents had put money into so they weren't really thrilled to get me piano lessons.

In 1991, when my oldest brother left on his mission I wanted to cry when he had a special musical number for his farewell and I couldn't be a part of it, I didn't know how to play piano or sing. 

In 1992, my dad was helping a family move in a couple blocks away. They had 2 pianos AND an organ. My dad asked her if she taught lessons, and how much it would cost. (I guess my begging had gotten to be too much by then.) The elderly couple had a dog, and it was getting to be too hard for them to walk him. She asked my dad if I would walk their dog in exchange for piano lessons. Of course my dad jumped on the chance.

So in the summer of 1992, at the age if 12, I started to learn piano from an amazing woman named Barbara Jepson. I worked my way through the beginner books, embarrassed to be playing such simple songs at my age. I still remember my first piano concert just 21 months later. Barbara told me she'd never had a student learn as quickly as I did. 

By the time I turned 16, I was in the high school orchestra, jazz band, concert band, and pep band. Some of my high school friends may not think that is very impressive, haha. But I was so happy to be using my talents.

Here I am, almost 40 years old, struggling to play like I used to because of medications and ECT. But I'm ALIVE and I can still play fairly well (I think). I hope to share this skill for the rest of my life because I believe it was given to me from Heavenly Father. And the fact that all my suicidal thoughts haven't taken me from this life, and I've been lucky enough to share my story and keep my talents means something! 

I hope this doesn't come across as boasting. I am so grateful to be able to share my story. To still be alive, and to be getting better every day.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Electroconvulsive Therapy

When I was a brand new mom, I had plans, goals, and ideas. I was organized and I always had a plan. Each day had a "name" and I don't really remember it all now, but there was a day for cleaning the kitchen, a day to clean the bathrooms, a day to change the bedding on all the beds, a day to organize the cupboards and pantry. 7pm was always time for baths/showers and brushing teeth. Kids always got to bed at 8pm. If anything was off-task I had a panic attack. I wasn't always good at it, I often fell behind and I still had plenty of things that I failed at. For example, I was (am) not good at keeping up with the organizing and decorating.

Well, fast forward a few years. Skip ahead to my hospital stay, and my Electroconvulsive Therapy ("Treatment" or ECT). I've been doing these treatments for just under 6 months. When I first started treatments, side effects were much worse. I knew I'd had a seizure, my entire body would ache, and I was certain I knew what an epileptic felt like.
When I was inpatient, Jason told me that a lot of people helped my family. Watching kids, arranging playdates, bringing meals, checking in on everyone. I am so grateful for all the people that helped my family when I couldn't be there for them. Let me make it very clear that I am eternally indebted to those who have helped my family. I hope this doesn't come across as me being negative or ungrateful. But the whole point of my blog is to get things off my chest, and to help me share things about my mental health journey. Let me also make it very clear that ECT has affected my memory and some of this could be wrong. But this has been on my mind for months now and I feel a need to share it, if only for my own benefit.
When I got home from the hospital, things started out with the typical excitement you always feel at a homecoming. I could cuddle my kids every night, I was home in time for a brief vacation with Jason's brother and new sister-in-law. I was home in time to get my kids ready for back-to-school. I was not able to drive yet (due to ECT) but I was able to physically be with my family and that was InCrEdIbLe! I was on an emotional high, heck, we all were! It felt perfect
Soon, things started getting back to "normal" except for one thing, I was still undergoing treatments. I knew it was working for me, and I had every intention of continuing. As treatments progressed, we tried to spread them out in the hopes of eventually being able to stop altogether. It didn't work, I started to "sink" (emotionally) and we had to move treatments closer together again. It was really hard on me, emotionally, physically, spiritually, and of course mentally. Being hard on me meant it was hard on my family. But I was home, so why would anybody need to help us?
So we started changing my medication and working with my counselor, my psychiatrist, and the staff at the ECT clinic so we could move treatments further apart. I was still on a type of "high" because I wasn't in the hospital anymore. But side effects were really bad and it was getting harder and harder to keep up with the things I needed to do. At least I thought I needed to do these things. And the help and support was less and less.
The depression is under control. Suicidal thoughts are few and very far between. But I yell like never before. My poor kids have taken the brunt of it because they are the only ones around, and they are almost always around. My dad had to tell me the other day that I had "gone too far" when I was punishing one of the kids. I use swear words like never before, I'm disgusted with myself. I end up apologizing and "beating myself up" for the way I react to things, and the things I'm failing to keep up with. I don't dust, or scrub walls/ceilings. Cobwebs are everywhere. I can't keep up with the laundry. I don't know the last time I helped the kids change their bedding, let alone the last time I changed my own. I rarely vacuum. I don't go shopping like I used to. I don't plan the menu. I don't bake "for fun". I struggle to keep up with the chores. I rarely do "fun" outings, (we used to use Groupon and other deals at least once a week).
So, what I'm saying is: ECT is doing what it should. For the first time in over 25 years I have felt an improvement in my depression. But the side effects are so incredibly difficult for me! And because the "thing" I was hospitalized for has improved, it seems like nobody cares anymore.
I don't want to sound needy or whiney because for the most part, I don't really need much of anything. But, I recently talked to a friend of mine that is a cancer survivor, and talked to a family member (who is also a friend) and read an article, all of these things have helped me find words for what I'm trying to express right now. If this were any other illness it would be different. My exhaustion would be understood, accepted even. I wouldn't be expected to work the day before/day of/day after treatment, especially not when I have to fast. My messy house would not be something to look down on, it would be "hey, I see that you need some help, can I come help clean your kitchen?" My forgetfulness wouldn't be mocked, it would be understood. Mood swings would be something to help with, not another thing to look down on me for.
I find myself resetting passwords, passwords I use daily are getting reset constantly. I forget recipes I used to have memorized. I forget how to play songs on the piano that I used to play all the time. I rarely read to my kids anymore, it's too hard to read. I never read for myself, I'm just going to forget it all. Every treatment is a little different. Sometimes I'm really sick, other times I'm just a little nauseated, and other times I don't feel sick at all. Sometimes I can't do anything but sleep for 2 days, sometimes I just sleep for a few hours.
I am going to close this, by begging all of my family, friends, and my readers (though they may be few!) to show a little more compassion and kindness. You don't know what the person next to you may have gone through recently. Don't stop showing love and sympathy just because you "think" someone is doing better. I'm not begging because I want that love, sympathy, and help for myself. Though there are days I could use it, I have a great support system in my parents, my teenage daughter (she's pretty amazing) my husband, and even my other kids can be pretty helpful at times. Just know that everyone out there is fighting a battle, and you rarely know anything about it. So BE KIND