Well, I missed Christmas and New Year's, but they were great :) Before I miss the entire month of January, I figured I needed to post something about my amazing kids and what's going on in our lives.
It has sure been a cold, wet month. I don't remember the last time we had such a cold month. What does this have to do with the kids? Well, I don't like to be cold (though I prefer it to the heat) so we are always inside. Occasionally the kids will romp around outside, only to come in crying that they are "COOOLD!!" and make repeated requests for hot chocolate while they sit in front of the fireplace. We've had many days spent in front of the fireplace, watching TV (usually "Full House") and having "living room picnics" on the blankets we spread across the carpet. Poor kids, they are pretty amazing, even though they've been stuck inside almost constantly, they have really behaved amazingly well. I am in awe of these little spirits that Heavenly Father has entrusted to me. They have shown me what love is.
Karleah will drop everything to help her sisters and brothers. She can cheer up a screaming baby faster than anybody. She writes me sweet notes on the chalkboard all the time, and helps Nathanael with homework almost every day. Sweet Karleah never forgets her siblings. Once when I was heading out to the grocery store, she gave me $1.25 to get her some Lindt truffle balls. The only thing I could find was a large bag, not the singles she wanted. I brought the bag home, and split them up among the kids (I gave Karleah her $ back, too). Later, I found one and since I didn't want a riot to break out trying to find out who it belonged to, I hid it for myself at a later date ;) Karleah mentioned later that she couldn't find her white chocolate truffle, and she was pretty sad. I told her where it was hidden, and made a "pouty face" as I told her I was excited to have one. She said "but you got one, Mom." I said "no, I didn't have any. They were for you kids." That night, when I was heading to bed, I found a note on my mirror "look down, Mom" and there was 1/2 the treat she had wanted so badly. It was such a simple thing, but I know it was a sacrifice to her. She has a heart of gold, and I am so proud to call her mine!
Nathanael has a temper like no other, we try not to make him mad lol. But he has the sweetest heart. His teachers always tell me how sweet he is (primary and school). If I've ever had a rough night, he is usually the first to give me a hug. He is so loving, and loves to tell me about his day. The other night, I was feeling really down and Nathanael "took me on a date" to cheer me up. We went bowling, and nothing could take away his joy, he had bumpers and still managed to get "gutter balls" but still cheered. He loved to give me hugs and high fives for the strikes/spares I got. When we went to dinner, he talked my ear off and it couldn't have made me happier.
Carson..... where to begin with that one. He is trouble with a bold, italicized, capitalized "T" and three exclamation points. That little man has the cutest voice, when I took him to the dollar store once, he asked for something in his sweet voice, using his best manners and two other ladies in the aisle said "aww! You can't say 'no' to that!" He has more time outs that the other 4 kids combined, but he is always so quick to say sorry when he makes a mistake, and he will work hard to make it better. He is the first to say sorry, and it's sincere, not just "crap, I better say 'sorry' so mom isn't so mad".
Vanessa is such a people pleaser. She is so outgoing and funny. She is trying SO hard to stop sucking her thumb. She tells me it's "so hard" but she ensures me she will stop when turns five. That princess knows what she wants, and I admire how she will not give up until she gets what she wants. It can be aggravating sometimes, I won't deny that; but I know she will go far in life if she keeps that passion alive. She loves anything Disney princess, and she loves to wear jewelry, even "makes her own" sometimes. She has boasted to everybody about her pierced ears, from primary teachers to strangers in the store.
Faith is the light of our family. I think she believes that her smile makes the whole world go round (most of the time, we all thing so, too ha ha!)She likes to cuddle with mommy, watch Grandma sew, and play with her sisters. Sometimes she gets along with her brothers, too ;) We all love teaching her new words and phrases. "Faithy" loves to color, mostly on her legs and face, but sometimes she gets the coloring books, too. Her hugs make the darkest days bright. If you've followed my blog, you may remember the blog about My Path My friend Tamra commented "living the dream" and I am still "living the dream". I love my life, I love the way my kids light up my life. There are definitely tough times, but all things considered I am thankful for the joy my kids have brought me. I feel so blessed that Heavenly Father entrusted them to me, and I pray that I won't make too much of a mess out of their lives.