Sunday, December 16, 2012

Constance Vs. Connie

Every year, I attend the Michael McLean play "The Forgotten Carols". I love the play, it's become a tradition that I go with Cameo. Sometimes, there are others, and a few years I've gone twice so I could go with her and then with Aaron or Angie or somebody else. While I know every scene, and have memorized most of the parts, I still have a great time attending every year.

Friday night I attended with Cameo. I could feel the spirit from the moment the lights dimmed. It was amazing, as always. There are so many things I felt and experienced that night, and I kept thinking "I need to blog about this." But here I am, in my dad's office, unsure what to write. I'm still going to try, just don't be surprised if this is a much more random entry than most :) In case you haven't read or heard or seen the story, I'll explain this much: Constance is a very uptight woman, who has had a lot of hurt in her life and has a hard time "letting go". She meets "Uncle John" and he calls her "Connie" which she doesn't like, but eventually learns to "let go" and allows herself to feel and act in a whole new way, as "Connie".

Constance Louise Chamberlain (NOT Connie!) is the main character in the story, and as I'm watching her personality come out, I'm reminded we all have moments of "Constance" and moments of "Connie". The goal, the whole point of the story, is that it's OK to be "Connie". Constance is the depressed, scared, unhappy person we've all been at some point. Connie comes out when she finally allows herself to be happy, and allows the true spirit of the holidays into her heart. Not just in her life, but in her heart.

I reflected on my life, and all the times I've been a Constance. How I let the negatives cloud my life at times. Now part of this is due to the chemical imbalance that I've struggled with my entire life, but another part is FEAR. I have always been overly cautious of what people might think of me if I act a certain way, or let my "Connie" side come out. Most of my life has been spent and Constance. In the past few months and years, I've learned to 'let go' as Connie did. It's so hard sometimes but it's definitely worth it in the end! Without letting Connie in, we lose so much. The holidays are a drag, the days are dark and difficult, and living in general becomes miserable. Connie lets us serve and uplift others, feel the spirit, enjoy our lives, and share spirit of the holidays and the gospel with those around us.

Uncle John saved Connie, and I had to stop and look back at all the Uncle Johns in my life. There were times when I, as did Constance, fought those people that were trying to help and uplift. Times when I couldn't see through the dark clouds of depression enough to realize that those people were truly helping me. Now, I think I'm at a point where I can see all those blessings better than ever.

I am so happy with where I am. There were so many struggles along the way, and sometimes I doubt my choices, or lose my way. But the blessings are so amazing I can't doubt the hand of God in my life. I can't deny that I am where I am meant to be, and I have a choice in becoming the person HE intends me to be.

Monday, November 26, 2012

The Scare

Today was my LAST therapy appointment from my back injury over 2 months ago. YEAH!!

I had fallen asleep for a few minutes, and was running late to the appointment so I forgot my phone, but no big deal because I don't usually answer it in the middle of therapy anyway, and it's always a quick appointment. I knew I'd be home just in time for the kids to get off the bus.

When I pulled in my driveway, I watched the school bus pull out of the neighborhood, and hurried to get the little ones out of the van and in the house so I'd be ready for Karleah and Nathanael to walk in the front door. I grabbed my phone to send a text to my boss so he'd know my P.T. was complete, but instead noticed two missed calls from the school. I knew immediately that Karleah must have had safety patrol (she has done this before!) so I got the three little ones back in their coats, shoes back on, buckled in the van again, and took off for the school, knowing that Karleah was going to be in a panic about how late I was.

When I got to the school, the kids weren't in our "normal" meeting point. I figured she had gone in the school to warm up, maybe visit her teacher. The office told me they hadn't seen Karleah, and her teacher said she had only seen Karleah about 20 minutes before, in the office. I went back to the office and they again said they hadn't seen her, but I told them her teacher had said she WAS in the office, then they backpedaled and said they couldn't be sure who had been in the office. Panic started setting in....

The office staff went over the intercom and said "If Karleah and Nathanael Stucky are in the school, please come to the office." The ladies in there said "maybe she went home with a friend?" I pointed out we just moved here and she hasn't been to any friends' houses yet. (Not to mention that nobody else in our ward attends that school) They asked if she could have just walked home, I told them where I live and they said "I sure hope she didn't walk that far with a first-grader brother!" (UMMM, YEAH! ME TOO!)

I called the home phone, just to make sure she hadn't gone there, no answer. Called my nephew's cell phone (he was at my parent's place next door) and he said he hadn't seen them but he'd call if they showed up.

I finally left the school, drove home SO slowly, telling Carson, Vanessa, and Faith to keep their eyes moving and watch for the "big kids". NOTHING! I was praying and trying not to panic. When I got home, I ran to the back yard to see if they were there. Nope. Made sure the front door was locked, yep. Nobody inside. Called out their names. No response. OK, no I'm worried...

I got back in the van, grabbed my phone to call my mom, and suddenly there is Karleah, in the driveway, with Nathanael right beside her. As soon as we made eye contact, we both started to cry. I told her I was so proud of her for getting home, and taking are of her little brother. Nathanael seemed surprised we were emotional, he thought it was a great adventure because they had "crossed the really really busy roads, and didn't get hurt!" They crossed a very busy highway and I'm so glad Karleah knows the 'safety rules'.

Needless to say, we reviewed safety rules and what to do if you are lost or scared or don't know where to go. I told Karleah that next time, she should go back in the office and have them call Grandma, or her dad, or another family member. But, I'm still very proud that she took care of her brother. That's a HUGE responsibility and I am impressed at how calm she stayed, and how upbeat she was for her brother. They both got large cups of hot cocoa, with extra marshmallows.

I am SO thankful that my kids are OK. And that they (mostly) know how to stay safe.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

First Thanksgiving Divorced

I was pretty worried how the kids would handle the first major holiday since the divorce. They seemed to do great though. Maybe it was all the fun with their cousins, maybe it was the break up in routine, or the fact they had a 5-day weekend, but my best guess is it was the amazing pies! (I mean, food. The turkey, the veggies, you know... the healthy stuff).

My amazing sister-in-law Megan offered to host this year. I think it's the first time we've had Thanksgiving anywhere than my parents' place, and it was really nice. Megan has a knack for these things, she decorated so cute, and had coordinating plates and napkins, even the tablecloth matched! She was so well prepared for everything.

We got to her house about 1:00, and were eating by 2:00. Nothing really out of the ordinary happened, just ate really great food and enjoyed each others company. I have to say, I made some amazing yams and sweet potatoes (they are NOT the same thing... I made 2 casseroles so everybody could see they're different lol). After we were done eating, and things were cleaned up, my brother Jaron let the kids try out his Kinect. The kids LOVED the games.

Finally, the good part. PIE! Since I didn't mention all the foods we had for dinner, I will not mention all the pies.... more because I don't want to drool all over my dad's computer ;)

On the drive home, I had my nephew Hiram and he was using his GPS (I kept telling him I knew the way home, but he and Karleah were having fun listening to the voice). I stopped for gas, and his GPS said something about a u-turn so I thought I had taken the wrong route, and turned around. We took about a 10 mile detour in Draper before I finally found a gas station. LOL. It was pretty good memories though!

All in all, it was a great holiday, and there is SO much to be thankful for. My kids are happy and healthy, we have a home, clothes, and each other. Best of all, we have a loving Heavenly Father and I know he is watching out for us.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Hollywood Connection

A few weeks ago, there was a FB post from the "Hollywood Connection Family Fun Center" and you could get 5 wrist bands for $15. I was pretty excited to take advantage of that, so we went there and had SO much fun. My mom came along with my brother, Brandon's, kids.

We took the kids on every ride, at least once, then a ride operator told me that Carson, Vanessa, and Faith were too small to go on the roller coaster. When I pointed out they had already been on it several times, she said "sorry." Lame, so we went miniature golfing instead.

Vanessa had the CUTEST "victory dance" I don't know where she learned to 'shake her booty' but it was so cute, so funny.

Faith dragged my putter around, only used it once or twice (with lots of prodding from her Mom and Grandma) but refused to let me use it. She was cheering on Carson & Vanessa.

Nathanael and Karleah went ahead with their cousins. I didn't see much of what they were doing, but I heard later that they really enjoyed themselves. I think they did 36 holes of mini golf, LOL!!

Carson was with me, my mom, Faith, and Vanessa. He was pretty content to play, he had a blue ball so he was in heaven. He was pretty quiet.

Sometimes, the best memories are just spur of the moment decisions like that. It was a fun, inexpensive family activity and I hope the kids remember it as fondly as I did.

If I can ever get my phone to update so that the pictures I took are available to post on blogger, I will add them :)

Saturday, November 3, 2012


I'm sorry to offend, but Halloween is my LEAST favorite holiday. I have never really been a big fan. Of course, my parents "made" me stop trick-or-treating pretty young, because they hated being interrupted so many times to answer the door, and spending money on candy for strangers. It is a strange holiday. (I grew up in a split-entry home, and now that I have owned a split-entry, I really understand their dislike!) When I was in elementary school (5th grade maybe?) we started a new tradition, when we'd all go see a movie at the mall for $1 per person, then go to the store and my parents would buy us each a small bag of our favorite candy. That way, we weren't getting "gipped" of the candy, and we didn't have to be interrupted. Not to mention, no money wasted on costumes we only wear once :)

So, I find it funny that my first post on this new blog is about Halloween. I have learned to enjoy the holiday for the sake of my kids. It is SO cute dressing them up, and seeing the excitement on their faces when they get candy just because they are cute and say something silly. I still think it's a weird holiday, but I do have fun with it (not compared to some people, I know!)

About a week before Halloween, my brother's wife invited us to their place for a famiy home evening activity of going to the pumpkin patch, getting pumpkins, then decorating them at their house after dinner. It was a lot of fun, I've never done that before and I have to say, I think we'll do it from now on! The kids loved it, and I enjoyed watching them wander the patch to find their pumpkins.

Then, a few days later we painted our own gourds (Karleah got them from a friend... and she got a lot!) I asked Cameo to come over, but forgot to mention we'd be painting. Luckily my kids didn't ruin her clothes :)

For Halloween, I definitely had some cute trick-or-treaters! Karleah wanted to be a purple crayon, Nathanael chose a Scooby-Doo costume, Carson was thrilled to find a Diego costume, Vanessa was determined to be a princess, no matter what else I tried to suggest, and Faith was forced into a costume I was given that was a "Hunny" pot (from Winnie the Pooh). At first she refused, then we couldn't get it off her, she LOVED the attention and the bees on her hat.

We started with a Halloween carnival in my sister's ward in Tooele. So fun, the kids got to ride horses, "go fishing" for treats, there was hot chocolate and games. Mostly I think they enjoyed the trunk-or-treat and time with their cousins.
The next morning, my awesome parents got the kids in their costumes and to my work by 7:30am. I LOVE showing off my kids so it was great to have them there, our safety committe wanted kids in costume to remind drivers (and other staff) to be safe so my kids (along with some other UPSer's kids) were handing out bags with a few reminders and treats. There were lots of pictures taken, but I haven't seen them yet. I just know that my kids are cute!!

Once the kids were home from school, we went trick-or-treating at Cameo's work (we do this almost every year). I had a chiropractor appointment so the kids had fun in the office showing off their costumes and having snacks. We hurried home for dinner, and Candace joined us for trick-or treating around the neighborhood.

It was a pretty good day, extremely busy but lots of fun. I am so thankful for my kids!